<< -- 3 -- Tess Crebbin CELLO AND SUSHI

TC: So let me get this straight: you were already studying cello seriously by the age of eight?
DI: Much sooner. From age four until age thirteen I studied with Barbara Varsanyi.
TC: And Pergamenschikow is the last cellist who taught you?
DI: Yes he was. I feel that I have learned a lot about cello playing from him and now the most important thing for me is to learn to develop my music. So I do not have another cellist to teach me at this time.
TC: How long were you with Pergamenschikow?
DI: Almost for six years. I am 25 now, so I came to him when I was 19.
TC: Obviously he must have taught you well because your first solo recording, soon to be released, is with Sony. How did that come about? Through being a Pergamenschikow student? Is that an automatic entrance ticket to the big labels?

Danjulo Ishizaka on the phone to his manager. Photo © 2004 Tess Crebbin
DI: No. I had some good concerts and someone from Sony had been invited to them. He really liked my playing, came up to me and said they would like to work with me. We talked several times and then we decided to make my first CD together.
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Copyright © 6 December 2004
Tess Crebbin, Germany