<< -- 3 -- Tess Crebbin PERNICIOUS PASSION

The list of the expected Lieder edition is as follows:
Composed in Vienna on March 24, 1876
Text by Vincenz Zusner (1803-1874)
28 Bars
First performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
Marina Spielmann, soprano
Markus Bellheim, piano
Würzburg -- Great Hall of former Mozart School
Composed in Vienna around July 1876
Text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
First Performance: Bard Music Festival New York, 11 August 2002
Dean Elzinga, bass-baritone
Dennis Helmrich, piano
First European Performance: 12 October 2002, Würzburg
Johannes Weinhuber, baritone
Markus Bellheim, piano
Mailied (May Song)
Composed in Vienna, 28 June 1876
Text by J W von Goethe
35 bars
First performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
Der Sänger (The Singer)
Composed in Vienna, 31 May 1880
Dedicated to John (Leo) Loewy (friend)
Text: Goethe
118 Bars
First performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
Das Veilchen
Composed in Vienna, 20 February 1877
Text: Zusner
39 Bars
First performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
VergissmeinNicht (Forget-me-not)
Text: Zusner
Composed: Vienna, around June/July 1876
32 Bars
First performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
Wanderer's Nachtlied (Wanderer's Nightsong)
Composed: some time after 28 June 1876
Text: Goethe
40 Bars
First performance: Bard Music Festival 2002
First European Performance: Würzburg, 12 October 2002
Zwei Wuensche (Two Wishes)
31 Bars
First performance: Münster, Mozartfoyer of Westphalian School of Music, 27 June 2003
Jens Zumboelt, tenor
Werner Marihart, piano
Several of these Lieder, as indicated above, had their world premières at the 2002 Bruckner festival in Würzburg, Germany. They received a very enthusiastic reception from audiences there, having been selected for this particular festival because of Rott's proximity to Bruckner, not only on personal but also on compositional terms. In fact, the Lieder, at times, are very reminiscent of Bruckner's own Lieder (also available at Doblinger). This is not surprising, considering that Bruckner felt a close spiritual connection with Rott and saw aspects of himself in the younger composer. So the Lieder of Rott, while unique in their own merit, essentially also unite prominent elements of Mahler and Bruckner and this should make for a very interesting combination indeed when it comes to recording and performing them from 2005 onwards.
Further information about Hans Rott, including biographical and a comprehensive list of works, can be found in English and German on the website of the International Hans Rott Society: www.hans-rott.de