<< -- 2 -- Patric Standford SCINTILLATING PERFORMANCE

Tamami Honma is one of those rare performers whose
ability to see into and through a live composer's 'signals'
has brought about a recording of McCabe's work to which he,
as a performer himself, gives the highest praise. Apart
from the first recording of Tenebrae, completed in 1993,
there are fine performances of the 1963 Variations and the
fascinating Intermezzi, five brief impressions the fourth of
which recalls Bartók
[listen -- track 2, 4:47-5:42].
Of the on-going series of Studies, in which McCabe's interest seems
to have revived after thirty years (1, 2 and 4 on this disc date
from 1969/70) Evening Harmonies, No 7 (2001), a hommage to
Dukas, is a ravishingly evocative piece, and No 8 called
Scrunch, a hommage to Domenico Scarlatti, was specially
written for the most deserving Tamami Honma
[listen -- track 7, 0.00-0.54].
This is an essential recording for all
British music enthusiasts, and one that will give refreshing
pleasure to everyone who values the clear thinking,
communicative and colourful work of John McCabe.
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Copyright © 28 January 2004
Patric Standford, Wakefield UK