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Where appropriate O'Riordan was placated by her 1st Lieutenant and Sancho Panza; Finnish orchestra leader Pia Siirala.

Ensemble XXI Moscow leader, Pia Siirala. © 2003 Howard Smith
Ensemble XXI Moscow leader, Pia Siirala. © 2003 Howard Smith

However pieces were scattered, moves that should have been straightforward bordered on the impossible, the sequence and whereabouts of preparations and rehearsals was seldom as expected -- in short the game plan was reconfigured repeatedly -- piece by piece.

With complications multiplying exponentially; the arrival of an intrusive two-man film and sound crew (for RTE TV Ireland) was bound to prove an added hindrance; the more so under officious director 'Irris'; a typically relentless Aussie TV independent, currently based in Palestine.

A British TV crew focuses in on Korean bass Heung Yong Choi during rehearsals. © 2003 Howard Smith
A British TV crew focuses in on Korean bass Heung Yong Choi during rehearsals. © 2003 Howard Smith

In the wake of the Sakhalin tragedy, no sooner were chorus, orchestra and soloists comfortable in one practice venue than they were compelled to leave and 'set up shop' elsewhere.

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Copyright © 27 November 2003 Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand


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