Tamami Honma's Wigmore Hall solo recital début impresses KEITH BRAMICH
What a shame that the auditorium was less than half full
for Tamami Honma's Wigmore Hall solo recital début in London
on 2 October 2003. Those who could have occupied the empty seats missed a real treat.
A glance at a flyer
should have been enough to convince anyone unsure about attending -- Ravel's
Gaspard de la nuit, the world première of Cascades-3 by
Lithuanian composer Osvaldas Balakauskas and Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No 2 in
D minor Op 14. And all this before the interval!
Ravel's Gaspard de la nuit (completed in 1908) showed various of Honma's strengths as a
pianist -- elegance, gentleness and the most fluid, silky smooth runs in 'Ondine', the
water sprite; beautifully poised, introspective playing in that strange central
movement, 'Le gibet'; drama, wide-ranging dynamics, detail and changing colours
in 'Scarbo'.

Tamami Honma
Born in Japan, Tamami Honma lived and studied in the USA from an early
age, making a concerto début there at the age of seven, and becoming
a protégé of Byron Janis in New York City. She now lives in London, where her
recordings win awards, and where she and her husband Adrien Cotta are
passionate campaigners for Lithuanian music.
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Copyright © 14 October 2003
Keith Bramich, Worcestershire UK