<< -- 2 -- Robert Anderson CAREFREE BRILLIANCE

The Byrd and Gibbons both appear in 'Parthenia or the Maydenhead of the
first musicke that ever was printed for the Virginalls', an enchanting compilation
of 1612 to honour the betrothal of Frederic, Elector Palatine of the Rhine
to James I's daughter, Elizabeth. At the time they were both sixteen, and
the match was one of Salisbury's last diplomatic coups. The epistle dedicatory
affirms that the virgin Parthenia had always been companion to the young
princess but now must be the more welcome 'having learnd to tune and twine
together these next neighbour letters E and F'. Frederic and Elizabeth were
to become in time the 'Winter king and queen' of Bohemia; meanwhile Gibbons
must be allowed to send them on their way to Heidelberg with the carefree
brilliance of an Italian Ground [listen -- track 3,
0:00-1:00]. James Johnstone has the technique and panache to give such
a piece its rightful due.
The virginals used on the CD are based on a Ruckers instrument of 1611,
a date that could not be more suitable for Gibbons at the keyboard. The
case of the harpsichord is more problematic. The Ruckers family were already
constructing such instruments in the early seventeenth century, and modern
copies are not hard to find. It is less than ideal, therefore, that Johnstone
makes use in the recital of a modern replica after a Bartolomeo Stephanini
of 1694, by which time Bach, Handel and Scarlatti were exercising their
youthful fingers at the harpsichord. That said, the CD remains a thoroughly
enjoyable affair, though the harpsichord is mostly in the ascendant. Gibbons
was by no means as prolific a keyboard composer as Byrd, or the other 'Parthenia'
composer, Dr John Bull. The range of Orlando Gibbons can be savoured first
in another expressive and touching pavan [listen
-- track 10, 0:00-0:48]. In dramatic contrast there comes the cheerful
and rumbustious skittishness that informs a tiny miniature of little more
than half a minute, the Mask, 'Welcome home' [listen
-- track 14, 0:00-0:38].
Copyright © 23 March 2003
Robert Anderson, London, UK
Orlando Gibbons: Music for Harpsichord & Virginals
CD GAU 191 DDD Stereo 67'40" 1999 ASV Ltd
James Johnstone, harpsichord and virginals
Prelude (Musica Britannica IV); Ground (MB XXVI); The Italian Ground (MB XXVII); Pavan: Lord Salisbury (MB XVIII); Galliard: Lord Salisbury (MB XIX); Fantasia (MB XIV); Alman: The King's Jewel (MB XXXVI); Whoop, Do me no harm good man (MB XXXI); Galliard (MB XXV); Pavan (MB XVI); Fantasia (MB VIII); Fantasia (MB VI); Alman (MB XXXII); Mask: Welcome Home (MB XLII); Fantasia (MB XI); Pavan (MB XV); Galliard (MB XXII); Mask: The fairest nymph (MB XLIII); Pavan (MB XVII); Galliard (MB XXIV); Fantasia (MB V); Fantasia (MB IX) |