Intense best anticipates the remainder of the recording. Stock
named his Second Quartet Speaking Extravagantly, a title taken from
a wonderful Charles Ives quote, 'Perhaps music is the art of speaking
extravagantly'. The piece requires closer listening. Tonality is less
obvious, rhythms change quickly and often, and technical effects are skillful
and varied. There are fleeting references to Ives and Ruggles in the affecting
final movement [listen -- track 7, 11:16-12:12].
The Fourth Quartet is unusual in structure. The first movement makes
use of twelve tone technique, though in the more lyrical style of Berg's
Violin Concerto. The concluding second movement maintains Stock's penchant
for slow, deeply melancholy finales. In total contrast to the first movement,
it's based on a descending tonal phrase of six notes [listen
-- track 9, 9:30-10:20]. Stock's effective working out of this simple
material cements the impression of a sincere and eclectic professional who
knows how to achieve the effect he is after.

Cuarteto Latinoamericano
Cuarteto Latinoamericano has been together for twenty years and provides
as good an argument for Stock's Quartets as I can imagine. The group's sound
is lush and full and the players are in command of this sometimes difficult
music. Stock is stronger with structure, rhythm, harmony and tonal effect
than he is with melody. But, in spite of a bit of a comeback, tunes remain
out of fashion and lovers of contemporary chamber music will find much to
admire and respond to in this fine recording.
Copyright © 19 February 2003
Ron Bierman, San Diego, USA
Speaking Extravagantly - String Quartets of David Stock
563 NEW RELEASE 77'43" 2002 American Composers Forum
Cuarteto Latinoamericano : Saul and Aron Bitran, violin, Javier Montiel, viola, Alvaro Bitran, cello
Quartet No 3 (1994); Speaking Extravagantly (Quartet No 2, 1981); Quartet No 4 (1996-7) |