PETER DALE is impressed by Trevor Hold's new survey of the 'Second Golden Age of English Song'
This deeply considered, beautifully produced book surveys the 'Second
Golden Age of English Song', a period of forty years or so (1890-1930)
which, fortuitously or otherwise, embraces a concentration of talent un-precedented
(and perhaps unrepeated) except by Campion, Dowland and Co three hundred
years earlier. For the most part, the book moves, composer by composer,
through the twenty major song-writers (thus, not necessarily major composers
per se) whose work falls within the period: Bax, Butterworth, Browne
and Bridge, through Finzi, Gurney, Howells and Ireland, to Roger Quilter,
Ralph Vaughan Williams and Peter Warlock. That's eleven of them re-arranged
alphabetically. The others, following the more interesting and revealing
chronological scheme of the book, are: Parry, Stanford, Elgar, Delius, Somervell,
Holst, Armstrong Gibbs, Charles Orr, and E J Moeran.

Parry to Finzi - Twenty English Song-Composers by Trevor Hold
Each chapter follows essentially the same pattern. The individual composer
is considered broadly in the light of the sort of texts he chose to set,
the characteristics of his musical style, and then by detailed examination
of particular songs. By the book's own definition these people were
makers of masterpieces, but it doesn't spare either their foibles or
their failures. So much writing about English music still seems to feel
the need to indulge in special pleading, to gild the lily (and overlook
the warts), in order to get its subject taken seriously, as if there were
something eccentric or even essentially ridiculous about supposing that
English music (some aspects of it) needs no apology whatsoever. The favourite
adjectives of this kind of writing are the soft-centered, non-abrasive 'charming',
'colourful' or simply 'characteristic' -- as if
it were enough simply to be a 'character'. I don't think
Trevor Hold uses the word 'charming' even once, and the same is
probably true of 'colourful' (I speak from impression rather than
calculation). 'Characteristic' he does use because one of the
great strengths of the book is the systematic identification of individual
stylistic fingerprints -- he does it for all these composers --
but that is precisely the kind of examination which requires seeing its
subject far more clearly than merely as a character or a type.
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Copyright © 18 February 2003
Peter Dale, Danbury, Essex, UK