The story of STROMA, by HOWARD SMITH
Imagine a chamber music group for which each and every performance is
a highly sought-after première. This sounds rather like the impossible
dream of every contemporary composer. Yet Stroma is such a dream ensemble.
Its home is Wellington, New Zealand, and a large percentage of approximately
twenty one core players are also key members of the 'flagship' New Zealand
Symphony Orchestra.

Stroma commissions new works from 21st century Kiwi composers. Then players
are called upon to make up whatever instrumental configuration the music
requires. The work is finally presented as a world première.
And it doesn't stop there. Top New Zealand performers are equally keen
to present modern overseas music which may not otherwise be heard here in
a live concert setting. Thus all works from outside become first New Zealand
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Copyright © 6 December 2002
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand