Without question, the music of English-born Wilfred Josephs has not the
substance accorded a few unusually gifted 20th century composers, both nationally
and internationally. I knew him, and well enough to understand both his
credo and the spirit that spurred him on as a musical creator. Almost
endlessly I heard critics muttering disdainfully at his speed of composition.
He was prolific, and that often becomes a rod with which to beat those who
are assumed to neglect quality.
Josephs was a fine musician with a creative streak forcing its presence
with almost endless pressure. That in itself does not demand instant attention,
although once ideas are spinning, the quicker they are converted to music
on paper the stronger they become in bringing about a complete birth in
sound. Josephs was endlessly preoccupied with ideas, for which all composers
seek and find to varying degrees. His style was mainstream with little evidence
of experimentation, and yet there is variety and a particular use of instrumental
colour throughout.
Josephs' writing for clarinet was reasonably idiomatic and always effective
for the listener. This CD provides the Clarinet Quintet [listen
-- track 3, 0:00-1:01] of 1985, and two later Sonatas for clarinet and
piano. They display, as ever, a composer keenly conscious of colour without
dilution of the elements of form and design. And this enterprise is entrusted
to performers with the right feel for the music.
Copyright © 7 December 2002
Basil Ramsey, Eastwood, Essex, UK
Wilfred Josephs - works for clarinet
MSV CD92058 DDD Stereo NEW RELEASE 64'02" 2002 David Lefeber, Metier Sound & Vision
Linda Merrick, clarinet, Benjamin Frith, piano, Kreutzer Quartet
Clarinet Quintet Op 135; Sonata No 1 for Clarinet and Piano Op 148; Sonata No 2 for Clarinet and Piano Op 149 |
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