Con moto
 It seems
but yesterday we welcomed the new year of 2002 : already
we have lived through it, hour by hour, some good, some bad, and
maybe some dreadful. Nothing changes the general pattern, but some
days achieve a singularity for events of note. That can prove one of the
stimulating experiences we stumble upon, bestowing the joy of knowing
how such times can prove momentous in our journey through Music.
Has Music
in our experience generally had an average year? We probably
falter unless our choices instinctively prove inherent qualities, be they
serious or flippant. That raises the question of personal taste, so for
some the opportunities have been excellent and for others disappointing.
I have found over a period that these contrasts even out.
Music has so many facets
of quite distinct character to provide continuous
variation and momentum. Living art can never atrophy, only the minds of individuals
who misuse it.
Therefore, disappointment or satisfaction with music arises from our
reactions. The heart -- our intimate self -- chooses. Which is probably
beneficial to our favoured composers of the moment, and rather unkind to the
others. But such choice is preferable to chance.
All these matters are so
basic as to be taken for granted, which is
probably as it should be. What matters is Music, and an inherent factor lifting
our sights because we eventually become instinctive in choice of that which is
of quality.
Copyright © 24 December 2002 Basil Ramsey,
Eastwood, Essex, UK
It's time to say an especially big
thank you to everyone who has helped us to put Music & Vision together
during 2002 - by our reckoning, that's at least
270 people.
Mentioning them all here would create a huge
page, so instead, this year, we've hidden some of their names here!
Refresh this page to see a different set of names.
We would also like to thank
you, our readers, for being with us during 2002,
and for some of you, during 1999, 2000, and 2001 too, and to invite you to return
as often as you can during 2003!