KEITH BRAMICH ponders on the art of the conductor, and attends the 2002 Donatella Flick Conducting Competition
One can try to analyse the craft of the conductor. As the only silent
performer in music, his or her exact contribution to any interpretation
is necessarily indirect, a combination of many factors and not easily measurable.
The basis is a technique for beating time clearly and for communicating
musical information by gesture. Given suitable experience and training,
this can be learnt in a few months. To be meaningful, though, it must be
combined with a solid musicianship including ear training, an aptitude for
scholarship and study (including a composer's view of the music), the practical
ability to work with and relate to one's fellow musicians, rehearsing effectively
and quickly, and, most elusive of all, a certain special kind of personality.
In addition, many successful conductors have a private source of income,
and have had the luck to be in the right place at the right time.
Paradoxically, many of the necessary attributes come more easily to the
humble craftsperson than the all-dominating 'maestro'. An orchestra is very
capable of playing music on its own -- something every budding conductor
should keep in mind -- and may tear apart (or more likely simply ignore)
any would-be conductor who isn't sure of (or can't effectively communicate)
his or her interpretation, for whatever reason. Some would-be conductors
find it difficult not to try too hard, and for some, the ability not to
hinder the other musicians in their music-making proves too elusive.

Recent winners (left to right): Ivan Meylemans, Bundit Ungrangsee and Xian Zhang
Not surprisingly, for such an intangible art, conducting competitions
can be rather contentious beasts, and this September/October has been a
good time to observe some of the more recent additions to the genre. The
second Vakhtang Jordania International Conducting Competition ran 9-15 September
2002 in Kharkov, Ukraine, and was won jointly by Belgian Ivan Meylemans
and Ukrainian Yuri Yanko. The first Maazel/Vilar Conductors' Competition
was held in Carnegie Hall, New York, USA, at the end of September -- again
with joint winners -- Bundit Ungrangsee from Thailand and Xian Zhang from
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Copyright © 10 October 2002
Keith Bramich, Arthog, Wales, UK