<< -- 2 -- Malcolm Miller WARMTH AND COMMUNICABILITY

The second half featured three of Debussy's Images, delicately
translucent and evocatively coloured. 'Les Cloches a travers les Feuilles'
drew ravishing textures from the patterns of scales rising at different
rates, while the whole tone harmonies, and parallel chords over sustained
pedals in 'Et la Lune descend sur le Temple qui fut' conveyed
a mystique and magic of its own. 'Poissons d'or' glistened
in its shimmering textures. Bernard Roberts told the amusing anecdote of
being greeted after a performance by Frank Merrick, then at an advanced
age, who claimed he had given the première of that piece at the Wigmore
Hall in the first decade of the twentieth century, when a critic had compared
it to 'well-fed turbot'!
To conclude we were regaled with beautifully sculpted patterns of Brahms'
Op 119 with touching intimacy in the initial two slow intermezzi.
As in the Debussy, the layering of texture brought chiarascuro to the music,
the melody highlighted through the limpid falling thirds of the first and
the pulsating chords of the second, with its emotive central interlude.
In the brighter, ebullient Intermezzo in C and final Rhapsody Roberts' bravura
was projected with panache, the pointed codetta truly Brahmsian in clarity
and majesty.
A lullaby-like Intermezzo proved an ideal encore, again affirming Bernard
Roberts' warmth and communicability, qualities which make him one of
the most respected 'pianists' pianists', his performances and recordings
still deserving of far wider international exposure and recognition.
Copyright © 31 October 2002
Malcolm Miller, London, UK
Concerts in the 2002/3 season (all at 3pm, with five pound tickets at the door): 24 November, Anja Rossau, soprano, David Smith, piano: Haydn, Mozart, Schumann, Puccini, Donizetti, Bizet, Schumann 15 December, Tonalia Trio, Beethoven Piano Trios 19 January Dominic Harlan, Children's Concert (3 pounds) 9 February Mark Swartzentruber, piano, Sonatas by Haydn and Schubert 9 March , Maria Zachariadou, cello, Richard Shaw, piano, Brahms, Prokofiev, Schumann 27 April, Nick Lea & Simon Davies, Guitar Duo, Rodrigo, Scarlatti 25 May, Fidelio Quartet, Mozart & Faure piano Quartets Glenilla Arts Foundation, The Church of The Christian Community, 34 Glenilla Road, London NW3, United Kingdom |