Orchestral colour
The symphonies of Kurt Atterberg -
encountered by ROBERT ANDERSON'... a towering Pelion with which to storm the heavens ...'
It was a main pleasure of my boyhood to browse through record catalogues
and wonder how many 78s of what coloured label my meagre pocket-money plus
earnings as a newspaper boy might lead to in how many weeks. The name of
Kurt Atterberg caught my eye. I was wonderstruck that he had got two thousand
pounds in 1928 by writing a symphony, his No 6, to commemorate the Schubert
centenary. The munificence of the Columbia and Polydor gramophone companies
seemed to put Midas nowhere; but at the time my savings went to Schubert
himself. In years of slightly better payment as an editor of the Musical
Times, I could follow up the Atterberg story. The Hallé under
Hamilton Harty gave the first British performance of No 6, and the MT
critic was merely 'saddened by the thought that there had been six hundred
symphonies entered for this contest, and that Atterberg's had been deemed
the best!' Ernest Newman considered the symphony a hoax, and Atterberg compounded
general vexation by half-admitting it was. MT then denounced it as
a very expensive joke.
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Copyright © 23 October 2002
Robert Anderson, London, UK