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<<  -- 3 --  Carson P Cooman    A SIGNIFICANT RELEASE


The Slovak Radio Symphony under the able direction of Kirk Trevor delivers committed performances of the works. Trevor is a committed advocate of new American music and conducts new works with great enthusiasm. The recording was composer supervised, so it can be assumed that these performances are definitive. Very occasionally, it feels as though the orchestra is struggling slightly to keep up with the changing rhythmic patterns of the faster music. But, in general, the performances are both solid and zestful. Gregory D'Agostino (organ soloist) and Josef Zsapka (guitar soloist) deserve special acclaim for their solo performances.

Sonics for the disc are good, and the organ (a large 1979 Rieger-Kloss instrument; full specifications provided in the CD booklet) balances well with the orchestra. The booklet notes are extremely comprehensive and very well edited.

In short, this disc is highly recommended. This is vibrant, life-affirming music with wide appeal and solid craft.

Copyright © 18 September 2002 Carson P Cooman, Rochester, NY, USA


Dan Locklair Orchestral Music

TROY517 DDD Stereo NEW RELEASE 63'50" 2002 Dan Locklair

Jozef Zsapka, guitar; Gregory D'Agostino, organ; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra; Kirk Trevor, conductor

Hues for orchestra (Three Brief Tone Poems - Cloudburst, Moonshine and Sunburst); Dayspring (Fanfare/Concertino for Guitar and Orchestra); In the Autumn Days (A Symphony for Chamber Orchestra); Creation's Seeing Order (A Prelude for Orchestra); 'Ere long we shall see ...' (Concerto Brevis for Organ and Orchestra); When Morning Stars Begin to Fall (A Tone Poem for Orchestra)




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