<< -- 2 -- Malcolm Miller AN AMERICAN IN PORTUGAL

A different type of 20th century reinterpretation of the past was that
of Granados's arrangement of the Sonata in D minor by Scarlatti, a
Spanish equivalent, perhaps, of the Bach-Busoni transcriptions. Here Granados
amplified Scarlattian features with his own chromatic idiom, reinforcing
textural resonance with octaves and chords, and intensifying the ostinato
figurations with virtuoso effects. Granados made these versions in the earlier
part of the century, a time in which Scarlatti was less well known.
Especially compelling was the Balada (1903) by Jose Vianna da
Motta, the best known Portuguese pianist-composer on account of his having
been a Von Bulow pupil who also knew and studied with Liszt; indeed --
as Ms Harper explained -- there are some fascinating early recordings
of his performances in existence. The variation like design of the Balada
recalled the idiom of Liszt, with similar bravura and rhetoric, yet the
pianistic textures also look ahead to Rachmaninov. Da Motta's reminiscences
of Von Bulow's masterclasses are published in a book by the American
musicologist Richard Zimdars.
Nancy Lee Harper gave dramatic and virtuoso accounts of these works,
then relaxed into the poetic impressionist character works of 20th century
versions of Portuguese folk music. Luiz Costas -- director of the Academy
at Oporto and one of the founders of the Portuguese 'school' of
piano, composed his Tres Dancas Rusicas in the 1950s, full of colour
and Iberian ambience. They were followed by the 'Five Portuguese folksongs'
in arrangements by the Bartok-scholar Halsey Stevens, short miniatures filled
with exotically flavoured ornamentation and modal harmonies. The set was
dedicated to the pianist Fernando Laires, for many years President of the
American Liszt society, who resides in the USA but was educated at the da
Motta Academy in Lisbon, and who was the 'second pianist' to perform
the complete cycle of thirty two Beethoven sonatas in Portugal -- the
first having been da Motta himself.
The fascinating programme concluded with two Brazilian works, 'As
Tres Marias' by Heitor Villa-Lobos, remarkably original, with radiance
in the high piano textures sustained over a sonorous bass melody, and glistening
outer movements. The final work was the rhythmically exciting, ostinato
impelled Jongo, Danza Negra from Lorenzo Fernandez's third Brazilian
Suite. The concert offered a glimpse into a repertoire from which pianists,
and listeners have much to benefit, and one looks forwards to more UK recitals
by this enterprising pianist in the near future.
Copyright © 5 August 2002
Malcolm Miller, London, UK