<< -- 2 -- Robert Anderson IMAGINATION AND STRENGTH

The oratorio is in three parts, with a total of twenty-nine movements.
The work opens with Gilgamesh lording it at Erech, a tyrannical shepherd
to his people. His dominance is such that the Erechites demand of the gods
a creature of a strength and stature to rival Gilgamesh. So was created
Enkidu, the wild man of the hills, who passed his life with animals till
a hunter produced for him the diversion of a courtesan. He was effectively
seduced, and she suggested they make their way to Erech and the realm of
Gilgamesh. Enkidu hearkens to the advice and bids her lead him to the city
where, as expounded by a Speaker, he may rival Gilgamesh [listen
-- track 3, 0:25 -- track 4, 1:00]. The heroes fight then become boon companions.
After many adventures, Enkidu dreams that a man takes him to the darkness
and to the house of dust, where the Queen of the Underworld raised her head
and looked upon him. Enkidu recounts the dream and the chorus comments that
death will subdue all [listen -track 13, 0:00-0:55].
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Copyright © 11 August 2002
Robert Anderson, London, UK