Daily ritual
Switching nightmares for daymares
Never did I expect to reach a level of daily musical expectancy
from a radio programme at the beginning of the day. For one
thing, my attitude towards music so early has previously been
ruffled by the sheer effort of priming my mind to listen properly.
I can now say, with a touch of pride, that this inward rebellious
spirit hurling insults at my new hobby has capitulated, leaving me
to enjoy the music (well, most of it) at a time that has the wretched
motorist commuter still at the bathroom stage of the morning
The awakening day, as tended by the soothing tones of BBC
presenters, gently settles into a calm hitherto unknown to
my prickly past, and I remain quietly triumphant, the more so
as it becomes increasingly apparent that music, when you've
rubbed the sleep from your eyes, has a freshening effect that
induces you to give the new day a generous chance of doing
the right thing for you. Yes, it can go wrong -- horribly wrong --
but your demeanour survives through it all. You may then look
forward to the dawn of the next day when you face the same
enticing prospects, this time possibly reduced to shambles
by a power cut. Never mind, there's usually sheer joy (depending
on the latest Government policy) of a restoration to normality
within hours, to be followed by repercussive traffic jams for the
rest of the day in areas remote to the power cut.
The sheer subtlety of it all hinges on our readiness to ignore the
inevitable whilst deciding whether to take the dog for a walk or to
sightread Liszt's B minor piano sonata. Never forget the slogan:
'Modern living is good for you'. And if you should pick the Liszt
for an outing remember to limber up with a day of scales and a
night of deep sleep.
Copyright © 8 August 2002 Basil Ramsey,
Eastwood, Essex, UK