Summer Music
The yearly miracle for millions
As the unique and exhilarating Promenade Concert season
in London is again cascading its music to thousands in attendance
and millions by radio worldwide, the venture as originally
conceived -- concerts with some of the audience in the cheapest
parts of the house unseated -- has found its imitators but never
a likely rival with such massive resources.
One is pretty certain that for many listeners and concertgoers the
Proms is the most agreeable way of gaining musical experience,
especially in facing brand new works and a cross-section of
neglected music from the last two centuries.
In the matter of soloists, great care is taken to engage the
best of the new, which means interpretation unfolds with
unexpected vistas, some of which are truly magical. But that
does not imply that visionary performance is confined to
the young: seasoned singers and players rise as supremely
to the heights and shatter our senses with their artistry.
There's the occasional failure, but rarely.
One could easily be misled by the scale of this annual venture
into taking the endless round of musicmaking as a smooth
machine endlessly purring its way through millions of notes.
Your choice, but never forget the basis of both its construction,
and its profound effect upon our minds, is as though to incessantly
remind us all that such beauty is only capable of activitation
through the human mind stretched to its limit, the more so in an
age threatened by acts of aggression. We must resist one firmly
as we illumine our souls and bodies through the other.
Copyright © 29 August 2002 Basil Ramsey,
Eastwood, Essex, UK