<< -- 2 -- Malcolm Miller BRILLIANT BEETHOVEN

The second half began with a work from the 'late' period, the
Eleven Bagatelles Op 119, aphoristic miniatures, which (despite being played
from music) showed Robert's profound imagination and insights. Their
whimsical nature, abrupt discontinuities and formal 'shortcuts'
came across vividly. The repetition and development of material, the unusual
dissonances which begin No 8, the arresting textures (the trills of No 5),
the short phrase lengths (No 9 in a minor), were conveyed tellingly. Throughout
textures were light, the 'semplice' element never overplayed nor
over-pedaled. Beethoven's unusual syntax seemed to make perfect, sometimes
surreal, sense.
The climax of the programme was the Sonata in A Op 101 from Beethoven's
experimental, romantic phase in 1816, given a masterly account. The tender
first movement's rich flowing textures were beautifully coloured. In
the invigorating, sturdy Vivace, rhythmic bite never flagged, the
harmonies were given full intensity, while the caressing slow Trio was poetically
charged. The Adagio was full of tension, the pianissimo stretches reaching
outwards passionately, with highlighted contrasts of register and eloquent
silences. After the poignant lyrical reminiscence of the opening, the Finale
took off at a pace. Here was truly happy music, and happy pianism, bright
and optimistic, sensitive (as throughout this concert) to the detail of
Beethoven's markings. The controlled fingerwork was superb, the tone
production, the diversity of colour, particularly in the high delicate filigree
passages for two or more parts which look ahead to the 'late'
As a bonus, the enthusiastic audience was treated to the A major Bagatelle
Op 33 as encore, an ideal complement to the sonata in a similarly uplifting
mood. One could only concur with the majority of those present that this
was Beethoven as Beethoven should be played, and that, when he is in such
form, Bernard Roberts is unrivalled in his interpretation of this great
Copyright © 17 May 2002
Malcolm Miller, London, UK
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