Beautiful and convincing
Music by Piero Milesi for films, installations, water and fireworks -
enjoyed by KEITH BRAMICH'... three boats move gently upstream, the river bridges providing ... barriers for the different sonorities ...'
This compilation disc forms an interesting introduction to the installation
and film music of contemporary Italian composer Piero Milesi, who produces
traditional sounding works, easy on the ear, from conventional forces with
some electronics. The album title, Within Himself, gives some clue
to the introverted feel of much of this music.
So Soggy (1992-98) from Concerto per il Solstizio d'Estate
(Sola Cabiati Park, Gorgonzola, Milan, 1992) is a slow, classical sounding
piece for piano, keyboards, fretless bass and cello in three movements,
convincing and rather beautiful. The composer's expressive piano playing
begins the first movement, punctuated by the subtle bass of Pier Michelatti.
The second movement features Silvio Righini on cello, beginning and ending
with an Elgar-like chord [listen -- track 1, 2:20-3:34].
Milesi's piano returns in the extended third movement, with a mostly electronic
backing track.
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Copyright © 8 May 2002
Keith Bramich, Tokyo, Japan
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