GORDON RUMSON reads from the American composer's selected writings 1921 - 1964
Henry Cowell must be considered one of the seminal figures in American
music of the 20th century standing together with Charles Ives, his senior
by 23 years, and John Cage, his junior (and pupil) by 15. The sad fact is
that Cowell is barely known to the wider public and rarely heard. His formidable
and varied output is hardly mainstream. While he had a gigantic impact on
piano music (quite literally with his banged out cluster chords, elbows
and fiddling on the pianos' innards) his keyboard music is rarely performed,
except in new music ghettos. Of his orchestral, chamber and vocal pieces
it is hardly germane to speak of performances. Rather, there are exceptions
to the oblivion.
An avant-gardist from the get go, Cowell investigated a bewildering array
of techniques for advanced composition and influenced a stunning range of
composers (such as the player piano madman Conlon Nancarrow). His writings
have perhaps been more influential than his compositions. For in his early
book, New Musical Resources (published 1933) he outlined techniques
of music making that have still not been exhausted, even if the impetus
for avant-gardism has been.
Cowell wrote a great deal and always with superior thought, fine expression
and sincere dedication to the best in music that he knew. Selected and edited
by the late Dick Higgins, himself a composer and proponent of Cowell's music,
the book was completed by Bruce R McPherson. Kyle Gann provides an astute
preface and the text is rounded out by a discography of Cowell's music.
This selection begins with a very personal and engaging reminiscence
of his excursion to Russia in the 1920s. The extremism that was possible
in the first decade of the Soviet regime is startling. Just so much so as
the retreat that occurred shortly thereafter. Cowell had a keen eye and
I think he saw through the pretense very well. His description of the bureaucratic
madness makes one cringe. Sadly, as R Murray Schafer chronicled the same
sort of thing, albeit in Canada, in one of his books, that madness
is not so distant and not confined to communistical ideology.
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Copyright © 23 May 2002
Gordon Rumson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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