<< -- 2 -- Jennifer Paull A musical enchantress

I learned far more about music from Cathy than I ever had during my formal
studies. Perhaps it was her way of treating music and how she went about
the process of performance that taught me the most. It was never enough
for her to simply sing the pieces she had programmed, no matter how technically
difficult. She tore music off the page and shook it into life!
'Anyone can do that!' she used to say. 'I get bored by recitals where
a singer walks on and bows, stands by the piano and sings, bows and walks
off again. What I need is contact with my audience!'
That is most definitely what she had! One of her greatest recitals was
'A la recherche de la Musique perdue, or from the sublime to the
ridiculous'. A soirée chez Monsieur Marcel Proust, this programme
had required a great deal of preparation and research. As was so often her
style, she divided the programme into four sections. There would be the
French songs, the German, the Russian and the English. This way, she was
certain than in any of the countries in which she was performing, the audience
would understand the text of at least one song group.
Of course, she introduced her programme in the language of the country,
played on words, and should have been awarded an Oscar for her acting, let
alone the musical content of her performances. 'Singing is 80% intelligence
and 20% voice', she told me on many occasions. Her mind was razor sharp
and brilliant. If we define the word 'genius' as applying to someone
whose passage marks their chosen field forever and by their intervention,
makes it impossible for their speciality to continue without their mark,
then Cathy was a genius.
The first of these Marcel Proust recitals was given at the Berlin Festival
in 1971. The festival had undertaken to have a gown made especially for
her. It was a work of art in itself. As with everything, Cathy researched
her subject in minute detail. She knew exactly what she wanted, and it was
Erté, the legend in person who saw to its design and creation in
Paris. I was present at several of the fittings and remember wondering how
she was going to sing in such an amazing cocoon. Erté was a small,
gentle man with soft voice, and soft hands, dressed entirely in grey. His
suit was grey, his shirt with roll neck was made from pale grey silk, and
two tiny grey mink's tails hung from under its rolled collar. Grey
pearl cuff links peeped out from beneath his jacket sleeves.
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Copyright © 6 March 2002
Jennifer Paull, Vouvry, Switzerland
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