<< -- 2 -- John Bell Young Discreet pleasures

Best known for his operas, vocal and incidental music, Hahn penned Le
Rossignol éperdu as a cycle of 53 piano pieces. Each is inspired
by a poem by Flaubert, Molière, Voltaire, Baudelaire, Hugo, Goethe,
Musset or Verlaine. In faraway Russia, Scriabin had already laid claim to
the musical poème, a miniature musical genre that appealed
to the symbolist sensibility of the day. Its principal aesthetic capital
was the discreet but succinct evocation of a particular mood or ephemeral
idea. In France Chausson, Debussy, and Ravel had also exploited the peculiar
challenges of this idiosyncratic form which, though not uniformly assigned
the moniker poème, appropriated something of the syntactic
dimensions of its literary counterpart.
In these ever so epigrammatic works, Hahn's compositional sensibility,
small scale and intimate, is a hybrid of sorts. His compositional vocabulary
brings to mind Richard Strauss for its textural transparency and darting
rhythms; Mompou for its air of faded decadence; and also Griffes and Fauré,
for its quiescent and migratory harmonies. It also avails itself of the
harmonic language and formal conventions favored by the symbolist composers
of the time; whole tone scales, tritones, French sixths and a kind of heightened
symmetry combine to inform its tenuous, breathy ambiguity. To these brief,
wistful and often nostalgic works Earl Wild, now 86, brings the kind of
abundant detail and extraordinary pianistic finesse that can only be the
envy of his colleagues. Indeed, in the household of repertoire alone, Mr
Wild demonstrates admirable savvy light years ahead of that of pianists
less than half his age. Willing to take a risk on the unknown, he is a musical
archaeologist willing to explore worthwhile but unjustly neglected works
rather than bring forth yet another recording of the Chopin preludes.
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Copyright © 16 January 2002
John Bell Young, Tampa, Florida, USA
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