I had witnessed one of the most amazing proofs of Boulez' extraordinary
ability to hear every note and detail. Once, after only a few bars rehearsing
a very contemporary work scored for a variety of unusual instruments including
the oboe d'amore, he suddenly gestured urgently for us all to stop.
There must have been nearly a hundred musicians in the studio. 'Second trumpet.
You are playing trumpet in Bb, it should be trumpet in C'. We all gasped.
He could hear everything! Most of us couldn't hear ourselves play,
there was such a volume of sound! Boulez could hear one wrong transposition
in the middle of it all. The orchestra applauded and he looked totally perplexed.
'What is so unusual about that?' he seemed to be asking.
There I was playing in The Rite of Spring. It was a dream come
true as I so admired Boulez' interpretation of this masterpiece. I
had bought a new pair of earrings, and I was very pleased with them. Somewhat
like a little chandelier, pearl drops hung from a central turquoise stone.
Everything was going wonderfully until the Danses des Adolescentes.
With the movement of my head as I tongued the staccato rhythms, one of my
earrings had worked itself loose. During one of those wonderful micro-silences
that punctuate this work at its most exciting, off it fell, crash!
I kept going, frantically concentrating as one must in order to swim and
not sink in the tide of intricate counting.
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Copyright © 18 January 2002
Jennifer Paull, Vouvry, Switzerland
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