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<<  -- 4 --  Jennifer Paull    REMINISCENT RETROSPECTIVES


That same sky belonged to the folkloric dance of India and Uzbekistan, to the music and ideas of John Cage and Peter Brooke, all present. It surely served to remind us of how small and insignificant we all are, individually.

One has few such moments in a lifetime, but they stay filed in a special cabinet in one's memory. Whenever I need a 'magic' transplant, I open one of its drawers. I needed one badly in September. Nothing would take away the frustration of all the planning and hard work coming to nothing.

The weeks became months and then, another staggering image! The Taliban were ousted and there were trucks entering Kabul, topped by men singing and clapping, blaring out local popular music in triumph, in determination, in hopes of victory! People were mesmerised; every face wore a smile, a look of joy, of sharing.

No matter what the vehicle of our Muse, bringing her to people anywhere, in any of her forms, brings joy and communion to those who need her presence. The missing piece of my puzzle fell into place, the feeling of frustration vanished.

In my own personal universe, Bach had lost, but Music had won! A great weight lifted and I opened the drawer marked 'Wonderful Musical and Artistic Moments in the Middle East' and drank my fill of memories!

I have never loved music more than when I am prevented from playing it. Sadly, I have known times like that in my life. How I understand what those people must have felt when music was returned to them.

Copyright © 31 December 2001 Jennifer Paull, Vouvry, Switzerland





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