<< -- 2 -- Wilfrid Mellers SECOND SIGHT

Yet despite this triumphalism the third and final act accepts the disparity
between Man and Nature as tragic, while revealing that a choice between
tragedy and triumph may still be available. The orchestral introduction
grips us by the scruff of the neck in the venom with which it makes (human)
hunting and stalking aurally incarnate. Harasta, the figure of destiny,
is a Poacher who is not clearly distinguished from the Forester who purports
to be a guardian of nature. The Poacher sings a quasi-folk song in a C sharp
(equivalent to D flat) minor, about a mythical girl who wears an ecologically
green skirt. The Vixen and her Fox appear with their by now numerous children,
joyfully frolicking in the forest, criss-crossing with the hunting and stalking
humans, whose conserving and destroying roles as gamekeeper and poacher
mirror the complexity of the nature-nurture relationship. In the confused
and confusing melée the Poacher, perhaps accidentally, shoots the
Vixen: an act more heinous than Nature's natural deaths since he, being
potentially conscious, might have known better. The Vixen dies to amorphously
floating fifths and fourths, still over love's pedal D flat.
The final scene is appropriately betwixt and between man and nature,
since it takes place -- thought this is not evident in this otherwise impeccable
production -- in a garden behind the inn, converted by artifact-making
humans into a spruce bowling-green, green as God's but regimented as human
architecture. The orchestral prelude is irresolute in whole-tone flutterings
at once physical and vague. Human formalization begins to impose itself
as the Forester tells his Wife that the Vixen's burrow has been deserted,
the music registering heart-felt loss. The Schoolmaster broods on the parallel
between the loss of the gypsy-vixen and of the human gypsy girl Terynka,
whom he had yearned after, and perhaps now does the more so, because she
is about to be married to the dastardly Poacher. The Forester laments the
aging of everyone, including his greying humanized hound. We all chase shadows,
as did the Schoolmaster and Parson as they pursued the Vixen among the wood's
moony sunflowers. The motif of regret sighs in love's D flat major: frail
consolation for us humans who are unique in knowing that, in Ben
Jonson's words, 'you grow old while I tell you this'.
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Copyright © 2 October 2001
Wilfrid Mellers, York, UK
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