Islamey and friends
discoveries and re-discoveries
A new facility has appeared here at M&V since our last Site
Seeing -- a continuous play facility for some of the many sound samples
which accompany our CD reviews which goes by the grand name of CD Review
Radio. It provides a different way to browse our recent CD reviews,
by using your ears instead of your eyes to make a selection. Click on the
CD cover image when you hear something intriguing, and a new browser window
will open to show you the CD review. If you're really brave (and trust your
internet connection), listen whilst you visit the other sites linked from
this page.
British journalist and photographer Howard Smith has travelled and worked
in much of the world and now lives in New Zealand, where he works 'in the
global marketplace', which includes, luckily for us, the occasional M&V
article. Maybe because his site combines music, journalism, travel, earth
sciences and photography, or perhaps because it's stylishly designed, exploring
it was like a breath of fresh air :
The name of Howard's site, Islamey, in combination with the fact
that my composer-pianist friend Adrian Williams is coming to see me today,
reminds me of a rather bizarre experience from my past -- sitting underneath
a piano whilst Adrian played the Balakirev piece at a party! Adrian appears
to be sporting a large M&V banner at the top of his main page
at the moment, so let's return the link. Don't miss Funny music under
'The "other" Adrian Williams ...'.
Another reminder that you can now add your own website or other interesting
music sites to our huge links area.
We'll be monitoring the new link submissions for interesting material --
both for the MV3 column, and for the next time we go Site Seeing.
If your own site has been featured previously in this column, you may find
that it doesn't have an entry on our links page -- if so, please complete
the form via the add your site link.
At least one such site has already added its link -- Robert P Commanday's
San Francisco Classical Voice -- the excellent weekly review magazine
for the greater Bay Area which we visited briefly about two years ago. SFCV
is published every Tuesday, and began on 1 September 1998.
Whilst on the subject of magazines, Andante.com is a new online
classical music magazine which has appeared recently with a mission to document
the 20th century classical music scene and to provide well-balanced content
across the classical music spectrum -- welcome! An elegant design, combined
with some classy and varied writing should ensure this new site's success.
Let's hope it can keep going, and solve the technical problem preventing
its access by Netscape users :
One happy side-effect of the 'foot and mouth' crisis in rural Britain
at the moment is that, with footpaths closed, people are having to walk
the roads for their fresh air, increasing the chance (especially in small
villages) of meeting someone you know. On one such walk recently I met violinist
Arthur Bancroft and we stood in the rain, talking about a variety of musical
subjects, including tunes played by hospital machinery, music typesetting
software and lightweight violin cases!
Finally today, here's a site added recently to our links page by Natalia
Peruz, which includes 'novelty musical instruments manuals for composers'.
Natalia plays these novelty instruments, including Austrian cowbells, the
theremin, the toy piano and (like Arthur, above) the musical saw. Nice work
if you can get it. Get ready to close down those pesky pop-up advertising
Copyright © 1 May 2001 Keith Bramich,
London, UK
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