<< -- 3 -- John Bell Young ON TOP OF THE NOTES

To say that Lang's assault on Brahms's popular suite of intermezzi
and romances, Op 118 is just that would be an understatement. It is a painfully
immature reading, one that discloses the seriousness of Lang's rhythmic
deficiencies. He fails to grasp the structural teleology of a composition,
blithely ignoring any real legato. Goal orientation as a measure
of interpretive finesse is evidently not his strong suit. It is a performance,
in fact, that sidles up to the interpretively amateur. Whoever advised him
to record this august work has done him an injustice. Anyone even remotely
familiar with its musical demands will recoil in astonishment at the sheer
breadth of Lang's vacuous posturing.
How clumsily he stumbles on to the opening seventh chord in the first
intermezzo, failing to convey the rhythmic innuendo that distinguishes
an upbeat from a downbeat. Thus does he make of this orchestrally conceived
piece little more than piano music. Shame on him, too, for eviscerating
the A major intermezzo of its implicit alpine lied as he mercilessly
accents every downbeat (which he counts in 3 rather than 6, thus completely
abusing it of its inherent schwung, or swing, which relies for its
very life on the conveyance of a larger rhythmic unit) and for his wholly
mechanical, grade school pounding of the heroic G minor Ballade. In the
haunting, even epicene strains of the suite's final entry in E flat minor,
the high beams of Lang's immaturity shine so bright as to burn a hole in
its very fabric. From the opening salvo it is unintelligible. Here, Lang's
naïve, note to note approach betrays serious interpretive inadequacies.
Why his teachers never explained to him, for example, the function of the
pedal point on G flat in this passage and others is beyond me. As any first
year harmony student knows, the affective influence of that single pitch
is central to its structure. In failing to recognize its role, Lang attenuates
rhythm, which relies on precisely such grammatical functions to set up the
ebb and flow of the entire piece. As the rest of the passage orbits around
it, that one pitch evolves as the source of all dynamic and rhythmic tension.
For this pianist, though, one pitch is just equal to another. Thus his playing,
metrical but superficial and arrhythmic, astounds not for its virtuosity,
but for precisely the opposite: an ignorance of what rhythm is all about.
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Copyright © 19 May 2001
John Bell Young, Tampa, Florida, USA
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