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<<  -- 10 --  Bill Newman    BERLIN FESTIVAL DIARY


An aerial view of Berlin. Photo (c) Bill Newman

For 5DM you can oversee Berlin by climbing up to the top of one of the cathedrals espying the bell tower en route. The interior of the Konzerthaus has a wonderful decorated ceiling with busts of composers high up surrounding the walls. Further composers also continue lower down at standing level to the ground floor seating area. At the far end is the orchestral platform seating with the choir perched either side on the area above. When a children's choir is involved, they stand centrally in front of the organ console. The upper audience level extends either side, the length of the hall.

Such was the case when I attended a performance of Britten's A War Requiem under the direction of Eliahu Inbal, with soloists Pamela Coburn, the Ohio-born soprano, and her confederates John Aler, tenor and David Pittman-Jennings, baritone. Joachim Dalitz was the organist and the Prague Philharmonic Choir (Chorus Master Jaroslav Brych) and Berlin Radio Children's Choir (Manfred Roost) together provided the unique ensemble together with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Inbal, by the way, was the sole director, dispensing with the usual second conductor.

Eliahu Inbal with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Photo (c) Bill Newman

I shall not do my usual detailed analysis: this was a deeply moving occasion where main orchestral, chamber players (there are two timpanists), choirs and soloists covered themselves in glory. I was very touched with the way Roost was coaxing his children to keep together while encompassing high phrases -- they didn't require his help, and the expression on his face was justly proud. Pamela Coburn was fabulous -- the low-high voice divisions were spot on, and what gloriously rich, emotional tones! Aler and Pittman-Jennings (like Pears and Fischer-Dieskau) were finely contrasted 'adversaries', finding a perfect blending in their final tranquillity.

Inbal's direction was masterly. I informed Christopher Raeburn, co-producer to the late John Culshaw of the world famous Decca recording under Britten's direction. He wouldn't believe me!

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Copyright © 19 December 2000 Bill Newman, Edgware, UK





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