CD Information
Stefan Jess & Barbara Moser
Work details
Beethoven: 12 variations on the theme 'Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen' from Mozart's opera 'The Magic Flute' Op 66
Beethoven: 7 variations on the theme 'Bei Männern, weiche Liebe fühlen' from Mozart's opera 'The Magic Flute' WoO 46
Mendelssohn: Variations concertantes Op 17
Chopin/Auguste Franchomme: Grand Duo Concertant to themes from Meyerbeer's opera 'Robert der Teufel'
Liszt: La Lugubre Gondola
Stravinsky: Suite Italienne
Artist details
Stefan Jess, cello (A Stradivari: 'De Kermadec Bläss' - 1698 aus der Stradivaristiftung Habisreutinger)
Barbara Moser, piano (Steinway)
Recording details
Recording dates: June 1993
Venue: Großen Sendesaal des Österr. Rundfunks, Austria
Producer: Kapellmeister Hans Moralt
Sound Engineer: Ing. Kurt Kindl
Editing: Irmgard Fuchs
Copyright: 1994 EMI Austria GesmbH
Pressing: Not specified
EMI AUSTRIA CDC5 55159 2 DDD Stereo
TT - 65'54"
Editorial & Design details
Liner notes: Not credited (in German)
Graphics and photos: Erich Eibl
Production: Dr Robert Werba
Purchase details
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