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Music & Vision returns to the expanding online world of classical music, in a new series of occasional Site seeing articles which look at how the internet is being used in the classical music world.


Canadian music magazine La Scena Musicale, published in printed form and online, in both French and English, continues to use the internet to its best advantage, and a regular watch of their daily index of new online articles and news from all over the world will demonstrate how much classical music content is now pervading the net. Articles from the world's best known newspapers rub shoulders with the more established of classical music news and review sites.


Also in Canada, M&V contributor Gordon Rumson has made available online a 24 minute improvised sonata in four movements, in memory of the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and performed at Gordon's 30 September concert Musical Mosaic XI.

Gordon writes: 'There is no way to predict what tonight's "composition" will sound like, though it will not be imitation Mozart, Bach or Liszt. There may be moments of simple hymnody, elaborate flourishes, peculiar "Arabic" melodies and I may even root around on the inside of the piano. But it will all be created at the moment and be for this time only ...'


I think I shall always remember my feelings at the end of an Alexander Technique lesson - especially that of being a newly straightened out person! Robert Rickover's Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique is a comprehensive guide to Alexander's method and its relevance to musicians.


Louis Oniboni, an executive working in 'the deep south of France', has created The Music Lovers' Corner, a site in French and English, whose main content is a monthly classical music quiz, partnered this year by the German record company Hänssler Classic. The quiz consists of ten questions, and between 3 and 5 winners are selected each month to receive CDs and CD sets.


A prize must surely go to David Runnion's Serafino Trio for imaginative use of the internet from their island home of Mallorca, with a website in Spanish and English. Their unusual ideas include Trio notes, a kind of travelling diary published on the internet, a series of masterclasses held online, and most recently, MP3 Picks - a daily recommendation of performances from, and a concert dedicated to a car!


Copyright © 17 October 2000 Keith Bramich, somewhere in Turkey


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