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Longborough Festival Opera 2000. Siegfried. Nicholas Folwell as Alberich.

Brian Bannatyne-Scott's Wotan-Wanderer has matured. He is (logically) no longer frozenly static, only commanding, and a vocal tour-de-force, charged with a gamut of less leaden emotions. Nicholas Folwell's Alberich is vocally massive. Mark Richardson as Fafner, a Caliban-corpse tumbling from the wonderfully ghoulish moosehead dragon of an imaginative design team (Jens Cole and Viva Wright), excelled. Peter Bronder seems a desert island choice for Mime : to be as variedly fawning and plotting, and so vocally and visually adept, seems an indulgence of riches.

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Copyright © 27 August 2000 Roderic Dunnett, Coventry, UK




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