TREVOR HOLD has dragged
from oblivion some music
you will not know.
1. Brahms's opera,
Tom Jones
How many people know that Brahms, for all his protests to the contrary,
harboured a secret desire to write an opera? The problem was to find a suitable
plot. Hamlet and King Lear had occurred to him, but deep in
his heart it was a comic opera that he yearned to write. These ambitions
remained dormant until he happened by chance to mention the idea to Hugo
Wolf. Wolf - in jest, of course - suggested Henry Fielding's novel, Tom
Jones. It had everything, he argued: romance, intrigue, pathos, humour,
not to mention a historical setting which would give ample scope to introduce
authentic period music, such as 'Greensleeves' and 'Heart of Oak'.
Brahms, oblivious of Wolf's leg-pull, set to work immediately and over
the next four years, between work on his Second Piano Concerto and Fourth
Symphony, made substantial headway on the piece, showing it to various friends
for their approval and comment. He even sent a copy of Act 1 anonymously
to Wagner. Wagner however recognised the handwriting and sent it back with
the comment: 'Stick to your symphonies, Herr Brahms!'
It was not until the opera was all but completed that Brahms realised
what a mistake he had made and immediately abandoned the project. His immense
labour, however, was not wasted, and several of the operas themes were reworked
into later compositions. For example, Tom Jones's leitmotiv was adapted
as the opening theme of his Fourth Symphony, whilst the love-duet in Act
6 between Jones and Sophia reappears as the tutti of the Double Concerto.
But Wagner was right. The piece is short on dramatic bite and verve, and
Brahms's lack of theatrical experience shows through on almost every page.
There are far too many soliloquies and set pieces, which prevent the action
getting off the ground. Take, for example, the overture: this is a full-scale
sonata-form movement lasting well over 25 minutes; by the time it ends the
audience will be ready for the interval. Even more ill judged is the passage
where Tom attempts to seduce Mrs Waters: a passacaglia with 33 variations
is a format hardly conducive to erotic drama. Admittedly there are some
imaginative moments, notably the execution scene in the final act, with
its impressive writing for double chorus accompanied by timps, trombones
and (for the one and only time in his career) alto saxophone. However the
effectiveness of this is somewhat weakened by the long orchestral epilogue
which follows.
Taken as a whole, the opera is not Brahms at his best. Some would dub
the venture a complete catastrophe. Yes, but if so, a noble and heroic catastrophe!
After Brahms's death, rumours abounded that he had been secretly at work
on a second opera based on Hermann Melville's Moby Dick, a subject
much better suited to his genius, but no evidence of this has come to light.
Copyright © Trevor Hold, November
25th 1999
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