Music Website News
Digital Ear
The Epinoisis Software Corporation has announced a new piece of software
called Digital Ear which will analyse and convert a solo performance
(recorded as a WAV file) to a MIDI file. The press release
claims that this is not just another pitch converter, but that fine performance
details such as vibrato, pitch changes, tremolo and portamento will all
be converted. This means, for example, that you can sing or play a melody
or any other solo line and then hear it played on a synthesiser, or process
it further. Download the free demo at their web site.
Visual Orchestra
David Perry has issued a new release of the music composition software
Visual Orchestra which formed a part of his masters degree in electro-acoustics.
Visual Orchestra is a graphical design environment based on the Csound
audio processing language. Further information (and an evaluation version
of the software) at the new VisOrch website.
Composer lists
From time to time we return to the subject of composers
on the net. A quick look at the links below could make you amazed at
just how many composers there are out there. They don't all have web pages
- good news for people like me to know that we're not out of a job just
list of 20th century composers
The Classical Guitar Composers List - Chronological
The 'Catálogo
de Compositores' from VINILO
The Internet Cello Society
The Internet Cello
Society is 'an international cyber-community of cellists' (nearly 4700
of them, from 76 nations). Featured artist for September and October is
Frances Walton (a 71 year-old member of Philharmonia Northwest - a community
orchestra in the Seattle area), and Tim Finholt interviews various other
cellists, including Lynn Harrell, Ralph Kirschbaum, Steven Isserlis and
Janos Starker.
New York Philharmonic
Have you seen the NYPO website? They've gone to a lot of trouble to provide
something for everyone, including a new interactive website with music,
games, history and fun for younger visitors, called Kidzone, and
the NYPO e-Store, where you can purchase the new 10 CD release - 'An American
Celebration'. If you live in the area, save up to 22% by subscribing to
the 1999-2000 season.
Medical information about the voice
The Eastern Virginia Medical School's Voice Center has a web site devoted to describing disorders of the voice and the
larynx. Not specifically designed for singers or other musicians, you
should still find the information and photos here very interesting. The
section on maintaining a healthy voice recommends keeping your vocal folds
moist by drinking 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day. The voice science
section contains spectrograms of the human voice.
Magazines at DMOZ and Yahoo!
I think I recently mentioned Yahoo in a less than complimentary way.
I thought I should point out that Yahoo's new classical magazines section is worth a look, just to see
what's available. Some of these magazines are published online, but others
just have a website to advertise their hard copy magazines. SoundArt is a magazine new to me. DMOZ (The Open Directory
Project, and the directory of choice for AOL, Hotbot, Lycos and Netscape)
has a similar classical magazines section. The listings are similar, but
there are a few different ones.
Any connection between this item and Yahoo's recent discovery of Music
& Vision is entirely co-incidental!
Ugly CD Covers
James Kearney wrote recently to the Moderated Classical Music List about
ugly classical CD covers, mentioning in particular various Sony covers from
the early 1990s. A BBC Music Magazine feature - 'The worst classical
CD covers in the world... ever!' apparently mentioned a website which features
some the worst offenders.
America's latest fitness craze
'You've heard of Tai Bo ...' the page begins, '... Now try VIOLA BOW
- America's Latest Fitness Craze.' Endorsed by professionals (two members
of the Codfish String Quartet), this new craze is a cross between martial
arts and the Suzuki method. Need I say more? Learn VIOLA BOW now! Personally, I think I'll stick to swimming,
but thanks for the thought, Jen!
Copyright © Keith Bramich, October
19th 1999
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