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 Editor's Inbox

Music & Vision receives many comments from visitors. Here is another selection of readers' letters. We welcome your feedback on any aspect of the magazine or on music generally. Please use the Contacts button on the main page.

From: Joost Boekhoven
Great website! Wish I had found it before. Keep going!
From: Wendy Floyd
What a gift! I had a quick peek at the site when it started, alerted by Piano-L, but didn't bookmark. Another reference in Piano-L reminded me, and I am enchanted.
From: Michelle Montgomery
I just came across your site and I think it's great. Very well laid out with good content. I look forward to reading more from Music & Vision.
From: John Martin Marks
Music & Vision is wonderful - an excellent resource to which I will be sending my students. Please consider including a link to my page.
From: Merton Shatzkin
I wish your coverage of news were more international, but I can imagine why it is not. The idea is excellent, however, and I appreciate such a journal. What I think is really outstanding is the appearance of this site!!!! Thank you.
From: Basil Ramsey, Editor
Thank you for your kind words. Our coverage of world news has to be extended gradually as we make new contacts and become more widely known.
From: Paul Geffen
I enjoyed reading Ates Orga's reviews of Richter's recordings. Are you aware of the exhaustive discography of Richter at ?
From: Ginnie R.
Found this site today and, though no specialist, really enjoyed Prof Mellers' essay(s). Browsed gratefully and will certainly return. Thanks!
From: Douglas Leadbitter
As an exiled native of Hexham I read with interest your appreciation of Larry Phelps. You mentioned a recent recording made by the organist of Hexham Abbey - could you send me details?
From: Basil Ramsey, Editor
Details of the recording mentioned are now given at the end of the original article.
From: Richard H. Fidler
I just discovered your magazine today and I am delighted. I especially appreciate being able to access your site with a text browser. Thank you. I look forward to reading more of your magazine.
From: MMicky Shine
Thank you for the information. I found you while traversing the net. Your article content was quite enlightening ... I create art pieces incorporating musical themes. Welcome...
From: Eric Goldberg
I visited your site recently, and found it absolutely impossible to read the type that is being used. It comes out very bad on my Mac using Netscape. It is a pity because what I could decipher looks interesting. The only way I could read one of your articles was to copy it to Claris Works and read it there. Not the way I want to go about reading any site.

From: Keith Bramich
Ooops! Thanks for telling us.We'll try to fix this in our site update shortly. We're aware of a similar problem - an incompatibility between Music & Vision and Netscape 2, and hope to provide a workaround for this problem too.

Is anyone else experiencing difficulties? If so, please tell us so that the magazine can be available to as many people as possible. Designed for Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 4, Music & Vision also works quite well with version 3 of these browsers.

From: Juliette Passer
I'd like to bring to your attention a new release of the Russian born composer Emilian Sichkin - 'Romeo and Juliet' - a romantic symphonic tragedy for orchestra, choir, synthesizers and soloists. Those familiar with Emilian's music know him as a master of incredibly beautiful and romantic melodies. His performance of the 'Concerto for Astronauts' and the 'Winds of Freedom' by the National Orchestra at the Carnegie Hall in 1991 was met with 40 minutes standing ovation and was highly acclaimed by the WQXR and Voice of America. 'Romeo and Juliet,' in my opinion, is the most magnificent and powerful of all of his works to date and it is so complex, that the recording of it took over 6 years. I think you'll find this truly beautiful and inspiring music interesting for review. You can listen to some excerpts in Real Audio format at

From: Basil Ramsey, Editor
We are interested to learn of a Russian composer whose name is not known to us. The CD will be reviewed and published shortly.

Our thanks go to all those who've taken trouble to write to us. We feel that progress has been made since January 1, but we are still at an early stage in the development of our plans for Music & Vision. Readers' input is vital to us, and we hope your interest will remain and increase in the months ahead.

March 27th 1999

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