A tall order
Music & Vision is into its second week of life. A lot of people
around the world viewed the site over the first week. Our plans are developing
for coverage on a world scale as we gauge the reception of readers.
The enormous advantage of publishing in daily parts is the flexibility
for last-minute switches of material governed by events of whatever nature.
There remains with some people an assumption that serious music and its
world is a backwater, still and peaceful. This mysterious calm has always
been a figment of imagination. The musical world is a scaled-down version
of the rumbustious planet we inhabit. Putting music itself apart on its
pedestal, the rest involves us as performers and/or listeners, living, working,
crying, eating. in pain, in love, in peace, in fury, in.... the list is
endless; and each human being reacts individually to music, yet within much
the same ambience. Theres nothing routine or dull, listless or enervating
about music when the response inside us is true to the emotive experience.
Finding yourself in tears from a direct emotional response to music, you
will forever remember that feeling and long for its return. Music is certainly
the food of love in its deepest sense.
By now you will assume that I have wandered off course. No, I wish that
the deepest feelings about music may sometimes be touched by what you read
in Music & Vision. A friend hailed the news of our intentions
with this magazine as a tall order. We find that a splendid
challenge: the taller the better.
Basil Ramsey, 11 January 1999
Compare and contrastEasily by Kawthfour (left, in C major,
and right, in Romanian harmonic minor mode. |