No Sex Please, We're Romeo and Juliet
GIUSEPPE PENNISI was at Rome's Terme di Caracalla for a new production of Prokofiev's ballet
Do you remember the old farce No Sex Please, We're British by Alistair Foot and Anthony Marriott? It came to my mind on 27 July 2018 at the Terme di Caracalla, the summer home of Rome's Teatro dell'Opera, a stunning open air theatre for an audience of four thousand in the midst of Roman ruins. I was at the premiere of a new production of Sergey Prokofiev's ballet Romeo and Juliet. Many composers have based their work on Shakespeare's tragedy: eg Vaccaj, Bellini, Marchetti and Zandonai, to name only the Italians, as well Gounod, Berlioz and Bernstein, to recall some of the best-known international musicians...
Copyright © 31 July 2018
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy