Michael Overbury's Derby Cathedral organ recital impresses MIKE WHEELER
This has to get the award for the recital programme with the widest historical spread (Derby Cathedral, Derby UK, 16 August 2017), not just in this year's Derby organ series, but since they started over thirty years ago. Michael Overbury, until last year Director of Music at Worksop Priory, Nottinghamshire, took us right back to the earliest known source of keyboard music, with a bouncy, energetic Estampie from the fourteenth-century Robertsbridge Codex. Coming forward a hundred years and more, a Praeambulum from the Tablature of Adam Ileborgh (1448) provides the earliest known specifically-indicated pedal part, supplying mostly a drone beneath a chant-like melody...
Copyright © 22 August 2017 Mike Wheeler, Derby UK