Famous and Unknown
Music by Rameau, Philidor, Blavet, Guignon and Duphly -
enjoyed by GERALD FENECH'... an intensity and sweetness of tone that is consistently engaging.'
One cannot argue that the brightest part of French history of the last five hundred years is that of the eighteenth century, albeit the end of it was marred by much terror and bloodshed of the Revolution. Still, one cannot ignore the glory and grandeur of what happened just before that history-changing event, especially in arts, culture and science. With enormous wealth and political power at their disposal, French aristocrats could wallow in every kind of leisure and romantic escapades; indeed, they could easily afford to decorate, most extravagantly, their palaces and houses with the latest trends in art, architecture and interior design...
Copyright © 29 August 2017
Gerald Fenech, Gzira, Malta