The Bad Boy of Music?
Orchestral music by George Antheil -
enjoyed by GERALD FENECH'Karl-Heinz Steffens and his German troops are passionate advocates of Antheil's cause, and performances are full of engaging expressiveness and technical finesse.'
The American composer George Antheil (1900-1959) was no different in his musical language than, say, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Webern or a host of other twentieth century names. But for some hidden reason, he was dubbed the 'Bad Boy of Music'. Strangely enough, he himself might have been the real reason for being labeled as such, if only for having the audacity to challenge his audience with works that he well knew could cause an uproar. Listening to his music, I find nothing so weird that cannot be accepted as today's norm...
Copyright © 3 July 2017
Gerald Fenech, Gzira, Malta