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The Edge of Time - Palaeolithic Bone Flutes of France and Germany



Playing time: 64'32"
Tracks: 16
Booklet pages: 12
© 2017 University of Huddersfield / Delphian Records Ltd
Reviewer: Gerald Fenech
Review of The Edge of Time - Palaeolithic Bone Flutes of France and Germany published on 8 July 2017

Listen: Georg Wieland Wagner: Mayuman (track 7, 0:00-1:00)

Anna Friederike Potengowski, bone flutes
Georg Wieland Wagner, percussion

Anna Friederike Potengowski:

1 Wisdom 1

Georg Wieland Wagner:

2 Wadawishung Pade

3 Cabanaconde

John Cage:

4 Ryoanji

5 Improvisation for griffon vulture bone flute

Anna Friederike Potengowski:

6 Daybreak

Georg Wieland Wagner:

7 Mayuman

Anna Friederike Potengowski:

8 Seebergers Lied

9 Wisdom 2

Georg Wieland Wagner:

10 Sand

Anna Friederike Potengowski:

11 Wisdom 3

12 Aare

13 Improvisation for mammoth ivory flute

Georg Wieland Wagner:

14 Swan Song

Rupert Till:

15 Reverie

Georg Wieland Wagner:

16 Destination and Anchor

Recorded 8-11 March 2016 at the University of Huddersfield Recording Studios, Huddersfield, UK

The flutes used on this recording are:
Isturitz flute, made from the ulna of a griffon vulture (tracks 1, 4, 7, 10, 15 and 16)
Hohle Fels 2 flute, made from the radius of a griffon vulture (tracks 2, 4, 5, 9 and 12)
Geissenklösterie 1 flute, made from the radius of a whooper swan (tracks 3, 4, 8, 11 and 14)
Geissenklösterie 3 flute, made from mammoth ivory (tracks 4, 6 and 13)


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