Truly Memorable
Carnival music for piano -
recommended by the late HOWARD SMITH'Goldstone unravels Schumann's variegated vignettes with outstanding technical precision and startling intellectual probity ...'
This is as joyful, irresistible and zestful a CD piano recital as I heard throughout 2009.
The gaiety and boisterous unpredictability of 'olde world' and twentieth century carnivals is an inspired peg on which to hang a keyboard programme and the vivid aura of grandeur, colour, joie de vivre, rhythm, ebullience and intrigue makes for compelling listening throughout.
Carnival is an important celebration in most of Europe (except in Ireland and the United Kingdom where the festival is called 'shrovetide', ending on Shrove Tuesday, and pancakes are the tradition) and also in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean. The time varies from city to city, as some traditions consider Mardi Gras as the Carnival period between Epiphany or Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday...
Copyright © 18 April 2017
Estate of the late Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand