Death and the Maiden
GIUSEPPE PENNISI listens to Patricia Kopatchcinskaja and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO), one the best known American chamber ensembles, is now in its fifty-eighth season, has its own auditorium (the Ordway Concert Hall), presents more than one-hundred-and-thirty concerts and education programs each year and has a large array of artistic partners. This Fall the SPCO is on tour in Europe. I was able to catch their only concert in Rome, on 19 November 2016 in the auditorium of the Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti (IUC). IUC has a vast and diversified program and performs in the Aula Magna (main auditorium) of the most ancient University in Rome (Università 'La Sapienza') to a public including many students and university professors...
Copyright © 24 November 2016
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy