An Engrossing Premiere
Janácek's 'Jenufa' in Palermo impresses GIUSEPPE PENNISI
This performance was almost a premiere because, in the past, Jenůfa had been shown in Palermo only in 1979 for a few performances by Brno National Theatre at the Teatro Politeama (a structure built for circuses and maybe concerts but not for opera performances) because at that time Teatro Massimo was being restored — the repair and restoration work took twenty-two years. At the time, the local press was enthusiastic but the audience almost deserted the performances because the opera was not known, and was sung in Moravian (without surtitles). Janáček's first opera arrived in Italy in 1941, at the contemporary music Biennale in Venice. Over the last few years there has been a rediscovery...
Copyright © 27 October 2016
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy