Diving into the Deep End
Lance Friedel conducts Bruckner's Fifth -
heard by STEPHEN FRANCIS VASTA'The final perorations are resplendent ...'
The Fifth is one of Bruckner's more intricate and ambitious symphonies, not least because of the extended fugue that occupies a big chunk of the Finale. By choosing this daunting score for his first recorded Bruckner, Lance Friedel is, effectively, diving into the deep end of the musical pool: he could as easily have opted for the user-friendly if overexposed Seventh, or the still-underrated and -underplayed Second. Still, the choice suggests a willingness to take risks, which is hardly bad; and Friedel rises to at least some of the score's challenges with aplomb.
The start is a bit clumsy: the sustained strings, entering in turn over the walking pizzicatos, 'speak' late, as can happen with conductors who were pianists...
Copyright © 17 October 2016
Stephen Francis Vasta, New York, USA