The Right Touch
GIUSEPPE PENNISI enjoys the baroque show 'Aria' in Rome
On 5 October, I reported how Saskia Boddeke and Peter Greenaway tried to utilize a nearly baroque machinery to stage Verdi's Giovanna d'Arco in the renaissance Teatro Farnese in Parma (see Astonishing Work): the results were astonishing but mixed, especially on the musical side.
On 6 October 2016 at the Teatro Olimpico in Rome, I saw the debut of a just marvelous baroque show: Aria ('arie barocche nell'aria' — playing with words, it means 'baroque arias in the air'). After seven performances in Rome, it is scheduled to tour in Piacenza and other Italian cities and then to be seen in Poland and other European countries; the success was such that it might go even to China. The show marked the inauguration of the 2016-17 season of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana, a private music association founded in 1813 by a group of young and innovative aristocrats...
Copyright © 9 October 2016
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy