Theatrical Genius
Stravinsky's The Soldier's Tale -
heard by GERALD FENECH'... a splendid complete version ...'
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) is undoubtedly Russia's greatest twentieth century composer, although Shostakovich and Prokofiev might also lay claim to such an accolade; still Stravinsky's career went in different directions and is often compared to that of Picasso, his near contemporary who provided the décor for his ballet Pulcinella. Indeed, both Stravinsky and Picasso, through a long career, were to show mastery of a number of different styles, and their artistic output is as varied as anyone could imagine.
Stravinsky's earlier music was essentially Russian in inspiration, but this was followed by a language derived largely from the eighteenth century interspersed with musical forays in other directions. His neo-classical style coincided with the beginning of his international career and the 1917 Revolution, for which he displayed great enthusiasm, but the repression that followed soured Stravinsky's early hopes, and he later left Russia, never to return...
Copyright © 26 August 2016
Gerald Fenech, Gzira, Malta