Judged to Perfection
Schubert and Vorísek piano music -
recommended by GEOFF PEARCE'... a truly magical disc ...'
I first heard of the Bohemian composer Jan Václav Voříšek (1791-1825) when I was a university student, and became acquainted with his only symphony, in D (written four years before his untimely death). He was a friend of both Beethoven and Schubert, and basically invented the Impromptu. I didn't hear any more of his music until this disc, so it was a CD I was really anticipating.
I wasn't previously aware of pianist Dirk Joeres, and listening to this disc made me want to hear more of this remarkable keyboard poet who really seems to get inside the structure of the music, both harmonically and melodically...
Copyright © 10 August 2015
Geoff Pearce, Sydney, Australia