Celebrating Pierre Boulez
GIUSEPPE PENNISI continues his reports from the Salzburg Summer Festival
An important part of this year's Salzburg Summer Festival is the celebration of the ninetieth birthday of Pierre Boulez, one of the most important contemporary composers and conductors, as well as the creator of IRCAM, the French institution for musical research, especially in electronic composing and playing. IRCAM has, no doubt, surpassed Darmstadt as the major European center of musical innovation.
Nine concerts are devoted to Boulez throughout the Festival. I was in the audience for two of them, and a third (on 8 August 2015) was a repeat of the concert I listened to in Ravenna on 7 June (An Imperial Festival, 11 June, 2015): in the main concert hall of the Mozarteum, Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Tamara Stefanovich offered a three hour marathon of Boulez's entire piano music, from the Douze Notations and the first two Sonatas of the nineteen forties to Une page d'éphéméride and Structures from the first few years of the twenty-first century...
Copyright © 11 August 2015
Giuseppe Pennisi, Rome, Italy